Delta Sailing Association

Located on  Arkabutla Lake, just South of Hernando Mississippi, at the Hernando Point Recreation Area.

Sail Memphis? YES!

OK, Delta Sailing Association is actually about 30 miles South of Memphis on the North side of Arkabutla Lake.

We like to use the slogan “Sail Memphis!” since many of our members are from Memphis and it’s suburbs and to let others know that it’s possible to sail in the area.

We have land for “mast up” storage of our boats and conveniences like onsite bathrooms and covered outdoor dining facilities (picknick tables under a roof), and a nice seating area overlooking the lake for non-sailing family members to enjoy their stay.

60 Years of Lake Sailing

Sail Memphis!

Our Fleets

What do we sail?

All types of sail craft are welcome at DSA. Historically though, the membership has consisted of three major fleets (type of sailboats). The Lightning Class, Thistle Class, and Multihulls (Hobie Cats, Prindles, Nacra, Supercats etc.).

Lightning Class, Fleet 274

The Lighning dinghy is a 19 foot three person daysailer/racer designed by Olin Stephens of Sparkman & Stephens  and first launched in 1938. After 80 years it is still actively raced.

Thistle Class, Fleet 72

The Thistle is a high performance one design racing sailboat that is generally sailed with a three person crew. Designed by Sandy Douglass, the Thistle debuted in 1945. The sail plan consists of a main, jib, and spinnaker.

MultiHull Class, Hobie Fleet 134

With the introduction of the exciting sailing of the Hobie Cat in the late 1960’s multihull sailboats found DSA and Arkabutla Lake the idea local sailing venue. Having a convenient soft beach area just beside the concrete ramp makes rigging and launching a Hobie from mast-up-on-trailer storage a breeze. That means you can sail more often!

Cotton Pickin Regatta and Boat Auction

Cotton Pickin Regatta and Boat Auction

DELTA SAILING ASSOCIATION WELCOMES AUTUMN WITH A MINI-REGATTA AND A BOAT AUCTION ON SEPTEMBER 20, 2020 Sailing and an Auction SEPTEMBER 20, 2020 Cotton Pickin' RegattaDelta Sailing Assoc. will have an abbreviated version of its annual fall regatta, the Cotton Pickin'...

Lightning Post #2

Lightning Post #2

Another example of a post that is for Lightning's only. Sed magna purus, fermentum eu, tincidunt eu, varius ut, felis. Integer tincidunt. Ut varius tincidunt libero. Praesent ac massa at ligula laoreet iaculis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et...

Test Lightning Post

Test Lightning Post

This is a test of the posts in the Lightning Only category. Those posts are only displayed on the Lightning class page and in the general post archives.

Electric Power Restored at DSA

Electric Power Restored at DSA

But water service may take more time. On March 4 Entergy reconnected the electric service line to the recently resurrected power pole at the Delta Sailing Association lot at Hernando Point on Lake Arkabutla. The line and the power pole had been dragged down by several...